I discovered a great way to legally have your kids get beat up for you...just sign them up for youth football.
Our town has a pretty robust youth football league that starts as early as 8 years old. Lev missed sign ups last year but he got in this year and I have to say I have never seen him love something so much. His level is for 8 and 9 year-olds and there are weight limits - if you are over 135 lbs you can't play. Although I would argue that if your 9 year-old son exceeds 135 lbs then he should probably be in a different kind of camp.
But even at lower weights you can be overweight for the skilled positions. Essentially they don't want a 135-pound running back steamrolling over my 66 lb. son, no matter how much good I think it would do him.
No. 2 on the charts, but No. 1 in our hearts
Since this was his first year, we signed him up for a separate 1-week camp this summer so he could get used to the equipment and the hitting. After the first day he came off the field jabbering, "Dad, this is the best day ever! This is the best darn day!" Now, if you know my son you would know that there is some sort of chemical imbalance, genetic miscoding, or other synaptic disconnect that literally prevents him from stringing together any words of happiness. Ah...but football! The magical sport that solves for all of life's most profound questions. Or as Vince Lombardi once more eloquently expressed it, "the great equalizer".
Lev plays for the Crushers, although their 1 and 4 record to-date suggests they are pretty much the Crushees. Lev is not a starter and doesn't play much because he missed last year and he has to pay his dues. Did you read that?!?! He's 9 and he has to pay his dues! These coaches think they're one town championship away from a Nike contract. And yes, there is a town championship.
I think the league takes itself too seriously. There's a championship, cheerleaders, 3 referees per game, first down chains, practice uniforms, game uniforms with player name, Crusher gear (let me know if you want a T-shirt, water bottle, jacket, cow bell, etc.), and I swear I think I saw some college scouts in the stands.
Lev has played center, offensive guard, defensive guard, linebacker, defensive end, and safety. I'm not sure why they can't figure out where to put him but I've seen his practices and he is trying very hard. I've seen him really get pushed around, but he keeps coming back for the next play. He's still a little tentative to hit hard, but I have to keep reminding myself he is only 9 years old. I think when I was 9 the only real physical contact I had was my bottom hitting my father's open hand.
So let's all root for a weekend blow-out...so Lev has a greater chance of playing.
Hey...How did she get in there?