Monday, May 2, 2011

Look Away

My chores sure have been piling up lately: paint this, paint that, fix this, replace that, and get a new of the other thing (and I don't even know what the other thing is). She keeps asking me to do more and more around the house (actually, it just seems like more and more because the list gets longer and longer when things don't get crossed off it) what's a lazy husband to do?

Buy another house.

We decided to take advantage of the down market in a place we love and made an offer on a vacation condominium at Bretton Woods, NH, anchored by the beautiful Mount Washington Hotel. To our surprise, and chagrin, the seller accepted our lowballed offer and Kerrie and I looked at each other and said in dejected unison, "Oh, crap. Now we have to buy it."

Our intent is to rent it to families with quiet, well-behaved, non-destructive children during the calmness of their adolescent years and keep it as an investment property, but also use it for our
family when it is vacant...which should be quite often if we stick to the above criteria. There's skiing, golfing, hiking, swimming, horseback riding, sleigh rides, zip lines, rock climbing, and the ever popular "paying of money".

But now Kerrie is so distracted and busy buying this for tha
t and that for this, and redecorating new rooms that I don't think she realizes I'm thinking I may have gotten a reprieve on all my other chores at home. Best distraction ever!

(I sure hope she doesn't follow my blog.)

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