Sunday, January 10, 2010

Miracles on Ice

This year marks the 30th anniversary of the United States' 1980 Olympic gold medal in hockey. In one of the greatest upsets in sports history (and there are many), a rag tag assembly of US college boys beat a Russian team of men that were "amateurs" in name only (which somehow netted me three children). The Russians had not lost an Olympic Hockey game since 1968 and had won 8 of the previous 9 gold medals.

This has a special meaning to me because the captain of that team, Michael Eruzione, who stepped into history by scoring the 3rd period winning goal ( hails from my home town and I know him well (he would take my call!). This past November I took the kids to my high school homecoming football game and Mike was there and my kids got the opportunity to meet an Olympic gold medalist (not that they really knew what that meant.)

(For an exciting 10 minute recap of the game: )

And since the entire Russian hockey team was likely banished to Siberia after the game, I have a special link to them, as well. So in the spirit of international sports relations, I give you video of the future of Russian-American hockey...

Lev (the right-most player in orange shirt at beginning of video)

Daniel (gray shirt, black helmet starts the video by shooting the puck)